Blog Purpose

Created: 31 January 2009
Last Updated: 31 January 2009

The purpose of this blog is to explore the REASONING of Mormon Apologist in specific and the logically consistency of LDS claims in general.

Mormanity’s profile is impressive. To say he is academically accomplished might be an understatement. His LDS FAQ is rather well done. However, I could not find a comment section at his LDS FAQ to ask questions or point out errors in reasoning. After reading the comment sections of Mormanity’s blog, I realized that many people have already asked the pertinent questions and pointed out the errors in reasoning. Unfortunately, most of these have all gone completely ignored. To his credit though, for the most part he does not delete comments.

As far as I can tell, compared to me Mormanity is an incredibly decent human being and an extremely productive member of society. However, I am beginning to question his academic honestly and intellectual integrity. This is sad, because one can defend their faith without losing their integrity. To error is human. I make errors in reasoning all the time. The difference is, when I do I strive to correct them. With Mormanity I am not seeing an attempt at correction. This will remain a testament to Mormanity’s compartmentalization.

As for Mormonism in general, the contradiction is in simultaneously claiming to have faith and a sure knowledge of the truthfulness in the religion. In would seem to me that once one obtains a sure knowledge of something, they cease to live by faith in that thing. Mormon’s have faith, but go around saying they have a sure knowledge. This is analogous to the Bush Administration believing that there were weapons of mass destruction in Iraq and presenting that belief as if it was a sure thing. In my opinion presenting a belief as a fact is at best a half-truth if not out right dishonest.

It has been pointed out to me that the whole Mormon Apologist thing is of about as much worth to the individual and society as pornography. Therefore, in the spirit of moderation I will attempt to limit myself to four hours a week.

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