Was Jesus Victimized?

I was reviewing the Mark Hofmann Wikipedia entry recently. The editors have made some good improvements to it. I noticed this footnote, where Hinckley declares Jesus a victim. I have never thought of Christianity as portraying Jesus as a victim in the swindled, defauded, or cheated sense of the word that Hinckley used it. After some Googling, I found that most other Christians do not think it was possible to swindle, defraud, or cheat Jesus. Most other Christians seem to think that Jesus was in control of his situation to the extent that Jesus was able set the day of his martyrdom to one of his choosing. If Hinckley used the word victimized in the sense of religious sacrifice, I could understand. But he used it in the sense of taken advantage of.

This would be another assertion of the assessment that Mormonism is one of those cultures that struggles recognize its flaws when it looks in the mirror. Hinckley was in capable of taking personal responsibility, in his mind all things that happen to him were the result of external forces beyond his control.

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