Anti-Mormon or simply anti, is an expression thrown around by Mormon apologist frustrated with their inability to effectively respond to critical analysis. It is a deliberately contentious epithet designed to impugn the target as a purposefully deceitful and hatefully malicious entity. The irony is that the term is hurled from a nest of frustration induced hate and anger.

One such Mormon blogger by the handle Bookslinger, defined the term: Those who disagree with the church are "nonbelievers." “Antis" are those who attack the LDS church and its leaders or members with half truths, twisted or incomplete information, and sometimes outright lies.

On another occasion, after I had successfully pointed out half-truths, incomplete information, and inconsistencies of a Mormon apologist, Bookslinger modified his definition of anti to be “someone who works against the church” This updated definition suddenly allow anyone who repeats true, but unfavorable information about the LDS Church to be marked with the scarlet letter A for anti. Whereas previously Bookslinger defined mere disagreement with traditional Mormon thought as being a nonbeliver, apparently voicing such disagreement transition the nonbeliever to the despicable anti. So, when Bookslinger cannot attack the argument, Bookslinger attacks the individual with the epithet.

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