In attempting to respond to inquiries of what Mormon official doctrine is, FAIR essentially claimed that Jesus as divine savior is Mormonism only official doctrine. This is not true. Mormon doctrine comes down to one fundamental premise: the one true church doctrine. This is the doctrine in Monotheism that there is only one organized religion that is right. The foundational story of the religion is that Joseph Smith was looking for the one true denomination.

However, this premise is entirely cultural. Mormon’s take the premise as a given and rarely think to defend it. Take this premise away and Mormonism progresses to higher level of understanding.

Why should there be only one true faith. When Moses founded the Isrealite faith Jethro and his clan continued to live without the law of Moses at a simultaneously moment in time. As surely as the law of Moses was but a school master, the one true faith paradigm had a usefulness in a stage of societal development that has passed. It is time to move on to a higher way of thinking. Mormon’s reject the modern, pluralist, all-inclusive way thinking and cling to the archaic, immature way of thinking that ones own religion is the only religion with the most “truth” (whatever that means).

Try it sometime. Take the premise away from a Mormon and watch.

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